01277 355 970


We provide tree related reporting and guidance throughout the planning process, from the initial tree survey up to and including the discharging of conditions, once permission has been granted. The reports are applicable to individual home owners through to large housing providers and are commonly prepared in accordance with BS5837:2012, Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction.


Each development will be different, however in most cases, sites that contain trees will require the following documents in accordance with to accompany the planning application:

  • Tree Constraints Plan
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment
  • Arboricultural Method Statement
  • Tree Protection Plan

All tree reporting and preparation of CAD drawings are prepared in-house.


On-site visits to monitor and/or supervise construction works in the vicinity of trees to ensure effective tree protection is maintained throughout the development process.

On-site monitoring and supervision is commonly a requirement of planning conditions.